Violin Warrior Romance Read online

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  Far from being regretful Jamie is delighted and feels only pleasure and love. She realizes she loves this brave and tender man. She assures Brad she wants more than anything to be with him. She takes his hand and leads him to her bedroom.

  “Please stay overnight. I want to be in your arms when I fall asleep and still be there when I wake.” Jamie pulls back the covers on the queen sized bed where they spend a tender yet searing night of love and romance.

  Chapter 4

  The next morning comes too soon. The two part lovingly with Brad extracting a promise from Jamie that she’ll visit him after his physical therapy that afternoon. The hours seem to crawl by. She is eager to be with him again. When the afternoon finally arrives, Jamie rushes eagerly and happily through the VA center to find Brad. She is stopped in her tracks when she finally sees him. She is dumbstruck. She really can’t, doesn’t want to believe it. Standing next to Brad is a ravishingly beautiful woman. One who is clearly heavily pregnant. With one hand Brad is holding her hand and patting her stomach with the other. He is smiling happily at her. Jamie watches in horror as the beautiful woman embraces Brad and kisses him on the cheek. With a broken heart wrenching sob Jamie runs blindly down the hall.

  Brad sees Jamie’s quick retreat and releases the woman. “Jamie, come back. It’s not what you think.” Brad begs Jamie to come back and let him explain.

  Jamie has no interest in what he’s saying and runs faster, almost knocking a doctor down as she sprints down the hall. She’s not blind. She saw him kissing and hugging a beautiful pregnant woman. Jamie flees weeping from the center.

  Jamie spends the rest of the day alone in misery. She steadfastly refuses to take calls from Brad or Carol. Heartbroken, Jamie thinks she must be the worst sort of fool. Obviously Brad’s girlfriend is carrying his child. Why would he choose her, an aspiring opera singer, when he could have that beautiful woman and his child? Their deep affection is obvious to anyone who sees them. He seemed to be so sincere, telling her he’d found his soul mate. How could he be so cruel? That night Jamie cries herself to sleep wondering if her life is worth living.

  The following morning Jamie reluctantly drags herself out of bed. Her quintet is counting on her, and despite her grief, she’s determined not to let them down. She has to put on her game face and perform. When she arrives at the concert hall, she’s shocked and surprised to see the pregnant woman, this time speaking with Carol. She attempts to walk briskly past the two. No way. Carol grabs Jamie’s hand begging her to listen. Carol introduces the beautiful woman as Sharon Parker, Brad’s happily married cousin. Sure enough, Jamie examines the woman’s hand and sees a sparkling gold wedding band. Sharon explains that she and Brad are very close and do love each other. They spent their childhood together and practically grew up as siblings. Until yesterday she hadn’t seen him since he entered the VA after his Afghanistan deployment. She profusely apologizes over and over for giving Jamie the wrong impression.

  “I’ll tell you one thing, please listen. Brad is crazy about you. You’re all he can talk about! He was crushed last night knowing you must think he’s a monster.” Sharon again assures Jamie she’s a cousin, smiling and giving her a hug.

  Jamie is horrified and embarrassed by her mistake. “I’m sorry I over reacted. I had a terrible night. But now I know I absolutely love that man. I hope you both can forgive my mistake.”

  As she finishes speaking Jamie hears a throat clear and turns to the concert hall entrance. Brad is standing near the wall; a look of relief spread across his smiling face. He’s holding a huge bouquet of red roses. As he makes his slow painstaking way towards her Jamie begins to weep. “I’m so sorry!” she sobs softly as he reaches her. Tenderly he brushes her tears away. He stills her weeping with a breath taking long passionate kiss. “I love you, Jamie Scott.” As he kisses her again Jamie knows she will never again doubt the love of her wounded violin warrior. They make not only a loving couple but a passionate duet.

  Author’s Notes

  If you enjoyed this sweet romance you may like other short story romances by Kristina Belle. Visit the Amazon Kristina Belle Author's Website

  Table of Contents

  Violin Warrior Romance

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Author’s Notes